Just an Idea or a Goal?

| December 15, 2011

A priest, a minister and a rabbi were asked the question, When does life begin?
The priest said, “Life begins with conception.”
The minister said, “No my friend, life begins with birth.”
The wise old rabbi said, “I am sorry my learned friends, but you are both wrong.  Life begins the day the dog dies and your youngest child graduates college.”

What’s the difference between an IDEA and a GOAL?

An idea is a thought with no action tied to it.  A goal, on the other hand, is actionable — it often comes with a form of measurement (read 1 chapter a day, lose 2 pounds this week, make 3 phone calls by Friday).

As we approach the middle of this school year take a minute and think back to what IDEAS you wanted your students to ACHIEVE this year.  Are they on track?  If not, now is a good time to ask if you helped them turn your/their IDEAS for their education into ACTIONABLE GOALS that are measurable.  We all like to know where we are headed and if we are on track to get there.  We’d never hop in a car and drive for hours on end without knowing our destination.  Yet sometimes that is exactly how we approach education.

Take some time if necessary, maybe a few days over the holiday break and re-calibrate:

  • Do you own your schedule, or does it run you?
  • Do you have a clear direction with measurable goals and a timeline for what you want to achieve?
  • If there isn’t time in your day to “get it all done” then make a concerted effort to help your student set priorities (maybe even bring out a timer).
  • Have an exit plan.  At the end of the day, what do you want to achieve?  One year of CLEP Credits by his senior year?  Completing a 2-year degree? Graduating without debt?

Too often I hear from parents: “If only we would have known four years earlier.”  It is never too early to make plans and ask questions.  Soon enough the dog will die and on your walls will hang graduation photos.  Until then I encourage you to steer your ship!  As William Ernest Henley pens in his poem Invictus:  I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.  Share that vision with your students and turn your Ideas into Goals and your Goals into Achievements.


Copyright©2012 Cheri Frame – All Rights Reserved


Category: Vision

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