
Whether you want to be a youth pastor, lead a small church, or are currently on the mission field, graduating with debt limits your options. Let Credits Before College partner with you to help you reach your goals. You really will be surprised at how flexible and affordable education can be. There is a buffet of options that you can choose from, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Benefits Options Highlights
Affordable Earn college credits with credit-by-exam programs that transfer to your chosen college. 3 credits are under $100
Dual Credits
Blend college college credit options with your current high school studies – not just for the gifted, but the invested. Add a final exam (CLEP or DSST) to the end of your high school course and earn college credits for subjects you are already studying.
Graduate in 4   Understand where and how you can be most effective in your course choices with chosen college degree plan. Create a 4-year degree plan and choose your General Education credits wisely. Some can meet degree-specific requirements, others are needed as prerequisites.
Accelerated Don’t compromise, but streamline, and graduate in less time. Studying one subject intensely for a shorter period of time is proven more effective than studying several subjects over a semester.
Online Serving overseas? Holding a full-time job? With the technology explosion, online courses can be part of your solution. Too many options to list … classes with videos, online interactions, self-paced.
Time for Experience
Education is not just about books. Gaining experience and developing your skills should be part of the package. Save time in the classroom with these options and invest it in an internship. You will be experienced when you graduate, ready to impress an employer with your proven abilty.

In October 2012 I was preparing to present a workshop hosted by a homeschool co-op at a local church. We were in a room that adjoins the church gym. It was men’s basketball night. One of the organizers came through our room and asked about my Powerpoint screen “Credits Before College” because he “sure needed that!” He told me he had graduated high school and attended a local college for elementary education but quit. He was feeling called to be a Youth Pastor but cannot afford to go to to any of the Christian schools in town. “The cost scares me,” he said. Of course, I gave him some information, my card and an offer to work with him. This next outreach is for him and all the others like him.  Don’t let the cost of education stop you – A college degree does not have to come with goal-stiffling debt!


Students: Whether you’re in middle/high school or graduated, contact Cheri to determine how our services can help meet your goals. There is no fee.

Missions Organizations: Share an e-mail with families in your organization and include this pdf attachment. Also create a link on your website to Credits Before College so that upcoming students can research their options. Cost-saving and online resources may help families stay in their host countries.