Resources and Links
Helping your student earn a debt-free college degree.
Getting Started with Credit by Exam
Credit-by-exam is one of the best kept secrets in higher education. Learn how you can test out of an introductory-level college course and save a significant amount of time and money. LEARN MORE
High School Planning
Whether you are an experienced homeschool parent, or just getting started, you may have questions about how to create a homeschool high school plan that includes CLEP and DSST exams. You are in for a treat because this article will get you started in 3 easy steps. LEARN MORE
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP
So you’re thinking you’d like your student to dive into earning college credit with CLEP but you’re a little unsure just how to begin. If your student is a strong reader, the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP exam might be just the one to begin with. LEARN MORE
College Composition CLEP
The College Composition exam assesses writing skills taught in most first-year college composition courses. Give your student a leg up by encouraging him to develop his writing skills before he enters college. Students who pass this exam will earn 6 college credits and save themselves 15 weeks of class time.** LEARN MORE
College Algebra CLEP
In high school, it it called “Algebra 2”. In college, that content is labeled “College Algebra”. I recommend all students sit for this exam. LEARN MORE
Psychology CLEP
Curriculum Guide Available. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. It always makes the list of the top 10 most popular college degrees. It’s not surprising as many of us are interested in learning about human behavior. Psychology is also an interesting and applicable course for high school-age students when taught within the scope of the science. LEARN MORE
World Religions DSST
Curriculum Guide Available. The study of World Religions offers an important teaching moment during a teens formative years. This Course Guide provides an easy-to-understand look at the history and tenets of the world’s major religions, explored through the lens of the Bible. It will equip your student in a way that will strengthen their Christian faith. LEARN MORE
Environmental Science DSST
Curriculum Guide Available. Environmental Science is one of my favorite starter exams because it is a high school science that does not require a microscope or algebra. It is ideal for grades 7 – 10. What I enjoy most is that it is a relevant topic that students can apply to their everyday lives. Students will be asked to think critically and understand how organisms and their environment impact each other. LEARN MORE
History CLEPs
There are several history exams available across both the CLEP and DSST test banks. Since most students study both US and World History as part of their high school education, there is plenty of opportunity to use CLEP/DSST as a final exam to one of these courses. Consider having your student study it well in high school, pass a CLEP, and earn college credit. LEARN MORE
10 Reasons to CLEP in High School
Students are finding multiple reasons to add CLEP and DSST exams to their high school studies. Print off this list and ask your student to circle the three that might apply to his/her goals for his education. Then you do the same. This makes for great dinner table conversation.
5 Steps to Earning Credit
While in high school, and even a bit of middle school, my three kiddos applied a CLEP or DSST exam to most subjects they were already studying. It became their “final exam” for the course. They enjoyed earning college credit while studying at their own pace.

Quality CLEP Practice Exams
Taking two or more practice exams from a reputable source is essential to preparing for an official exam. Read through this list to find the best resources. Some are online, others printed, some have a cost while others are free.
Test Day ID Requirements
A little planning is required prior to your student’s first exam to ensure he/she has the appropriate personal identification required on test day and walks in confident of the procedure.
Facilitating a CLEP Study Group
Creating an effective CLEP course for your students (and their friends!) is very rewarding. Don’t think you have to be an expert in the subject at hand. You can create an educational experience for your student that will be engaging and rewarding and leads them to earning college credit.
7 Steps to a Debt-Free College Degree
When they were in junior high, we discussed finances with each of our three kids and made this offer: We would pay for any college credits earned in high school and once they graduated, their college bills were their responsibility. We set this expectation early so that they were able to make choices. It also was incentive to work towards a completion plan, not just admission.
College for Less
A smarter, more cost efficient way to earn a degree is to unbundle credentials, and education, from an experience. Look at each one separately instead of thinking that all three must be completed together. This gives our students the advantages of a real-world education that is affordable.
Books to Inspire
My bookshelf has some gems on it that are excellent resources – too good not to share with you! Be inspired and informed as you encourage your students to fully own their own education.
Adults Earning a Degree
No matter your age, earning a college degree is an accomplishment that can open employment doors. Many adults have family or job responsibilities that make it impossible and unappealing to sit in a classroom. You might be a great candidate to earn your degree through self-paced studies. It’s an affordable and flexible that appeals to busy or working adults.
“The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.” ~John Maynard Keynes
For an Audio/Visual Learner
- Short video clips on a great lineup of clepable subjects
- A favorite:
- Annenberg Learner offers Video on Demand courses in science, foreign language, literature, art, etc. that have been aired on public television (broadband required).
- TED offers “riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world”
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Credits Before College LLC